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MAPINFO FOR: fun_beach2
ET: fun_beach2

Votes: 35 Rating: 61%
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(show servers with fun_beach2)
Name: Fun Beach 2 final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
Fun beach is a map designed for large scale carnage over the D Day Theme. Allies spawn on the left part of the map above in the landing crafts and have to fight their way up the beach.They have 2 buker doors that they can blast to enter the Axis beach base. Once in the enemy base (flags in the middle of the command map), they can capture a forward spawn flag which will let them spawn closer the the first primry objective: a ventilation power generator. Breaching it will stop the fans from rotating and let the whole team infiltrate into the Axis back base where the latest wurzburg radar prototype lies...


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