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MAPINFO FOR: desertrats
ET: desertrats

Votes: 8 Rating: 100%
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Name: Desert Rats 1*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
1 "Destroy tank before it reaches the side wall !"
2 "Prevent the tank from reaching the side wall and blow it to pieces! This will give Axis easier access to the fort and the spawn."
3 "1th objective : Defend the water pump! If it is blown, Allied forces won't have water inside the fort."
4 "Defend the main gate! This will give Axis a better access to the fort."
5 "Capture the hill spawn for a better defense!"
6 "Defend the wall spawn for a better defense!"
7 "2th objective : Defend the first 75mm gun and keep away the Axis navy from the fort!"
8 "3th objective : Defend the second 75mm gun and keep away the Axis navy from the fort!"

1 "Repair and escort tank to the side wall!"
2 "Destroy the side wall with the tank for better access to the fort! The wall spawn will be yours when it is blown in pieces by the tank."
3 "1th objective : Destroy the water pump and cut off the water supply to the Fort!"
4 "Destroy the main gate with dynamite for better access to the fort!"
5 "Defend the hill spawn for a better offense!"
6 "Capture the wall spawn for a better offense!"
7 "2th objective : Blow the first 75mm gun so the navy can attack the fort!"
8 "3th objective : Blow the second 75mm gun so the navy can attack the fort!"


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