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MAPINFO FOR: radar_winter
ET: radar_winter

Votes: 17 Rating: 87%
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Name: Würzburg Radar Winter final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
Main task is to steal 2 objectives from the radar stations and bring them to the truck. A very open map which is hard to defense for the Axis.

At the beginning the spawn flag is the first priority. From there you reach quick the main gate which has been to blow up to reach the objectives. A good starting point to spawn is also the command post. You can build it after blowing up the side entrance.

Defense defense defense. Lots of mines around the radar stations to protect them very well. Key point is the main gate which is to defense very well.

The rain is a nice effect which also affect the sight. The high grass is good to hide.


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