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MAPINFO FOR: wf_temple_c14
ET: wf_temple_c14

Votes: 77 Rating: 85%
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(show servers with wf_temple_c14)
Name: WF MLB Temple beta14*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
1 "Primary Objective:Build the tank bridge and escort the tank across the canyon."
2 "Primary Objective:Don't let axis build the first tank barrier."
3 "Primary Objective:Don't let axis build the second tank barrier."
4 "Primary Objective:Take the tank to the temple in order to destroy the temple doors."
5 "Primary Objective:Steal the Gold crate."
6 "Primary Objective:Return the Gold crate to the tank."

1 "Primary Objective:Don't let allied tank get across the canyon bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:Build the first tank barrier."
3 "Primary Objective:Build the second tank barrier."
4 "Primary Objective:Don't let the tank blow the temple entrance."
5 "Primary Objective:Protect the Gold crate in the sarcophage room."
6 "Primary Objective:Stop the Allies from escaping with the Gold."


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