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Page visits: 39875
[Alcohol Brigade] '06
Clan ID: 164787
Clan Tag: [AB]
Clan Name: [Alcohol Brigade] '06
Location: Poland
Web Site: https://http://alcoholbrigadeforum.pun.pl
Total Members: 4
Recruiting Members: No
Registered at: Feb 20 2009

Brigadier is in the state of being intoxicated by consumption of alcohol that mental and physical facilities are highly effective. The virtue of our temperess disposes us of any kind of boredom. Those incur grave guilt who call themselves pro. We simply pwn them since 2006.

Rank Player Name Server Name Rating Total Time Proportional Time (in %) Ping Last Seen
R 2943
[AB]drMartens→ Leader
- 2.69 61.7 days 37.6% 57 ms 32h
- 0.17 17.9 days 10.9% 28 ms 371d
R -
- 0.01 42.5 days 25.9% 88 ms 738d
[AB]TORCIDA→ Administrator
- 0.00 42.2 days 25.7% 49 ms 3271d
  164.2 days  

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