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MAPINFO FOR: missile
ET: missile

Votes: 2 Rating: 25%
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(show servers with missile)
Name: Missile X beta2*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
1 "Primary Objective:Do not let the axis get away with the radio conduit."
2 "Secondary Objective:Keep the axis away from the generator in the sub-basement."
3 "Secondary Objective:Protect the main gate at ALL costs."
4 "Secondary Objective:Protect the barracks and do not let the axis gain more routes to the barracks."
5 "Secondary Objective:Build a Command Post."

1 "Primary Objective:Steal back the radio conduit and escape the base."
2 "Secondary Objective:1 grenade will destroy the generator in the sub-basement to have another access way to the main gate."
3 "Secondary Objective:Destroy the main gate."
4 "Secondary Objective:Destroy the many access routes to the allie barracks."
5 "Secondary Objective:Construct the command post."


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