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MAPINFO FOR: mp_ctfmultidemo
RtCW: mp_ctfmultidemo

Votes: 11 Rating: 77%
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Name: CTF Multi Demo
Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RtCW)
This is a proof of concept demonstration of multiple flag CTF for wolf. As such, it is mainly intended as an example for other map developers. Unlike most wolfenstein maps, where capturing the objective ends the round, a team must capture the other teams objective 3 times to win.

In order for this to work, some sacrifices must be made. Specifically, a player who captures the objective is instantly sacrificed. Also, the flags do not return to their starting point for 30 seconds after a capture. This is creatively described as a feature. Finally, a teams flag does not have to be 'home' in order for them to capture the enemies flag. The objectives on this map is are locknars, because locknars are very serious.


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