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MAPINFO FOR: kungfugrip_converted
ET: kungfugrip_converted

Votes: 20 Rating: 70%
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(show servers with kungfugrip_converted)
Name: Kung Fu Grip final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
- rtcwmap.de
- Prevent the theft of the CD-Key.
- Prevent transmission of the CD-Key over the Internet.
- Defend the North heat vent.
- Defend the East heat vent.
- Defend the South heat vent.
- Secure the Playboy to deter axis morale.

- Steal the CD-Key in the Fish Tank.
- Transmit the CD-Key over the Internet, in the office.
- Destroy the North Vent for heat duct access.
- Destroy the East Vent heat for heat duct access.
- Destroy the South Vent for heat duct access.
- Secure the Playboy for team morale.


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