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MAPINFO FOR: caha_tavern_b2
ET: caha_tavern_b2

Votes: 35 Rating: 74%
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Name: CAHA:Tavern beta2*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
CAHA: Tavern is the playable map based on the Crouching Allied Hidden Axis movie.

1942. China. Province of Liaoning.
The well known tavern Fire Garden has been taken by an allied squad.
They are using it as a document depot, and have set
two security system levels to ensure the spy lists inside it are safe.
A german squad has found out the allied shellac.
They get ready for battle and rush into the building.

- Destroy the security power generator B.
- Destroy the security power generator A.
- Steal the spy lists.
- Escape with the lists through the sewers.
- Destroy the cellar wall to open an escape route,you must have destroyed the generator A to get access to the cellar.
- Destroy the stairs wall and get faster acces to the top floors.

- Don't let axis destroy the security power generator B.
- Don't let axis destroy the security power generator A.
- Hold the spy lists.
- Don't let axis escape with the lists.
- Don't let axis reach the cellar and protect the sewers exit.
- Hold or rebuild the stairs wall to cut the allied path.

Incredible work on the lights and on the textures.
All the details make it so realistic, it's very goodlooking. Very good idea with the generators. INCREDIBLE-ACTIONMAP-HIGHLIGHT!

Changes Beta 2:

The most significant changes are located at the third floor, which was pretty much done while the b1 tests were happening. Some of the features weren't tried out and some bugs came up on it. Hopefully them all will be fixed in this new version, which comes with a FireTeam Locations file (thx ned!) to ease up the usage of the command map, which is a bit messy and has few chances to be improved in such kind of map. Another thing that has changed is the cellar destructable wall, that can now be destroyed by any kind of explosives, including grenades, making the exit room harder to be camped. Also the framerate should be improved at the lobby, and most significantly at the very top floor, which has now a few thousands less triangles.

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