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MAPINFO FOR: castleattack_b5
ET: castleattack_b5

Votes: 229 Rating: 81%
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Name: Castle Attack beta5.0*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
Axis forces have set up a secret base in a castle in the french region of Loire.Steal whatever documents you can find and steal the radio parts to enable you to transmit the documents. The radio is located in the village.
A group of Allied soldiers have been air-dropped into the village, they will hope to gain the radio parts and documents, then repair the radio and transmit the documents from the damaged village radio.Defend the castle at all costs. And prevent the allies from transmitting the documents.

- Destroy the first tank barrier.
- Destroy the entrance to the castle.
- Use the tank to destroy the memorial.
- Capture the radio parts.
- Capture the secret documents.
- Capture the forward spawn.
- Build the command Post.

- Build the first tank barrier.
- Build the second tank barrier.
- Defend the memorial in the castle.
- Defend the radio parts.
- Defend the secret documents.
- Defend the forward spawn.
- Build the command Post.

Changes since B3:

- Updated Command Map
- Altered terrain and alphamap
- Reduced file sizes and removed waste
- Fixed Memorial CM marker now disappears when its destroyed.
- Fixed unclipped curve at bunker gate.
- New tunnel from bunker to castle turrets.
- Extra passage in dungeon.
- Dynomitable wall in dungeon.
- Better access to roof and terrain all round.

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