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MAPINFO FOR: sottevast_b3
ET: sottevast_b3

Votes: 11 Rating: 61%
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Name: Sottevast beta3
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
An Axis V2 missile project has been advancing in a silo facility called Sottevast. Allied spies have discovered an attack is about to be launched from this secret silo, and a small team of elite soldiers were mobilized to prevent the launch.

- Capture the Targeting System
- Enter the silo facility by dynamiting the main entrance or by using a disguise
- Take control of the Axis forward spawn
- Construct the command post to activate a forward spawn
- Open the side door to gain additional access

- Defend the Targeting System
- Defend the silo facility's main entrance and prevent a covert entry
- Hold the forward spawn
- Stop the Allies from constructing a command post, or destroy it if it has been made
- Keep the side door closed to hinder the Allied progress

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