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MAPINFO FOR: falkenstein_sw2
ET: falkenstein_sw2

Votes: 10 Rating: 78%
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(show servers with falkenstein_sw2)
Name: Falkenstein SW2 final*
Game: RtCW: Enemy Territory (ET)
Downloads: - WolfFiles (download + easy map testing)
1. Dynamite the generator to gain access to the base
2. Steal a prototype and bring it to the train
3. Capture the Depot Yard
4. Build the Command Post to gain a forward spawn
5. Dynamite upper and lower doors to get easier access to the prototype

1. Defend the generator
2. Defend the prototype
3. Defend the Depot Yard
4. Built the Command Post, and prevent allies from building theirs
5. Defend upper and lower doors


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