The mighty Axis shore battery 'Siegfried' is harassing Allied shipping in the Mediterranean. The Axis must protect Siegfried from Allied attempts at sabotage.
Chartwell, England, 1943. Axis have launched a surprise paratroop attack on Chartwell, the home of Winston Churchill, to steal the plans for the D-Day invasion.
This is a small map of 20 mins duration, centred on the Axis attempts to enter the house and obtain the plans, best for 6-16 players per team.
Moved the CP to the other side of the map, giving the allies a better chance to defend it in the end game.
Also made most doors permanently open, to cut down on door slamming noises.
The alt-script mini pk3 has a revised script to autospawn the allies in the pavilion if the axis deliver the docs to the CP.
Axis initially spawn at a building nearby, but they can quickly enable their paratroopers to attack by damaging the AA gun or the AA gun controls. With either of these out of action, the Axis spawn location is randomly changed to any location on the map for each Axis respawn. This allows the Axis team to attack from potentially any direction.
Allies need to repair both in order to force the Axis back to the original spawn.
The main Allied spawn is in the basement. There is an Allied-only flag in the pavilion, which if captured gives the Allies the option of spawning outside the house.
To get into the house, Axis must either dynamite the main entrance (non-repairable) or satchel either of the stairwell doors (repairable).
The Key must be taken from the ground floor dining room to the safe in the top floor study. To get into the study either of its doors must have been destroyed (one by dyna, one by satchel, both non-repairable).
On delivering the Key to the safe, the safe door opens and the Plans can be stolen. They must be taken to the Command Post in the grounds, and the Command Post built to secure an Axis victory.
Although all of the windows visible in picture 3 can be broken, getting out of the house with the Plans is a little trickier than it seems, as the broken windows are too narrow to jump through.
In this map Axis Cov Ops can set booby traps at the AA gun and AA gun controls in an effort to safeguard the paratroop attack from interruption. The booby traps are detonated if an unwary allied soldier touches the faint translucent white bar that reveals their presence. Allied Cov Ops can defuse the booby traps.
Axis have stashed a lot of gold in egypt. Allies have to get the tank and escort it all the way through egypt land. If they do, then they have to take the axis gold back and escape with the truck so the egyptians will have theire gold back.
Extra features:
Flying carpets instead of an elevator
A ghost that will follow you in the long hallway
Fun sounds
Some scary things
I've played a lot with lights to get a good feeling in this map
Changes "Elite Guards" clothes to sexy underwears. Note to parents: Don't worry, they are not naked, just less dressed. Unzip the PAK files inside of the main directory where data files are, and don't rename them, or they will not work. ~William Macau
Again a new mod for No Quarter made by pisherman. This time the scenario is set to the war in Vietnam. Because of the larger filesize the mod is splited into three pk3's (one pk3 for the Vietnam-Style, two additional soundpacks, one for weaponsounds and one adds new voicechats), so you can choose what you want on your server. As small bonus every pk3 works stand-alone. Please take a look into the readme for closer information.
If you ever wanted to play ET in ice and snow, here's your chance. Every map is changed to a snowy scenario (Fueldump and Railgun are reworked). The playerskins are as real as even possible for me, Axis wear snow- and spring/fall-camouflage, the Allies got trenchcoats in dark colours. Furthermore I included teamspecific weaponskins and command posts, new flags, nUllSkillZ' V6-Voicechat-Icons and a bit more to make this mod a good one.
You all are welcome to our not-so-brandnew IRC-channel in Quakenet: #splatterladder !!!
We wish that we'll get some nice chat, etc. there about Splatterladder, Enemy Territory, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and FarCry + all other games in world.
So, again, please visit in our IRC-channel: #splatterladder @ Quakenet!
This Funsoundpack made by shagileo includes all of the taunts of the Age of Empires I game. It was created to add some extra AOE fun atmosphere in the game.
This soundpack includes 25 extra voicecommands for the game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It was taken from the game Age of Empires (expansion) game pack. It's a small filesize that can be used on every server. It does not affect the other standard voicecommands, it just adds two extra menus.
You like japanese? This time you can snipe from two japanese towns high up in the mountains. Two mirrored sides with houses. You can cross by jumping in the waterfall and then you will get on ice. In the ice are two holes where you can jump or slide in and then you are on the other side in the waterfall.
LostParadise map is a tropical island. After its colonization, there was build some military structure. In the nature, the buildings, the towers and the airport you can find some good Sniperspots. Conquer one of the rockets for a flight to the spacestation to have a better view over the large terrain.
Changes since Beta 0.9
Some structures added, like the houses, the spacestation, some in the tunnels and more.
added interactivity to the rockets.
added some lights for the darker rooms.
inside the greater bushes are clipshots now, so you are save behind them.
Tired of immortal rambo medics? This will stop them a bit for sure. This small mod removes crosshair during game. It simply make the game more realistic and harder.
I created weapon sounds moslty for MP. Theese sounds are not from actual recordings, because recordings don't do any justice to what you would hear IRL.I made theese sounds almost to what I hear at the range, not quite perfect but the fire rates in wolf aren't at all. ~wildturkeyww
As you can see, its a Toolbar. There is also a tray menu if you want to disable the toolbar. Don't worry, this program is very light (6 MB in RAM mermory; 0.5 MB on hard-disk!), it let your CPU and your connection quiet (no CPU and no bandwidth usage)!
"Anias spirit": no registery interaction, no system or game modification! (I hate heavy programs, lighter is better)
you want to remove ETUL? Just throw it in the bin!
This tool uses Autohotkey programation language, so at first install, ETUL will ask you to install it. Autohotkey is clean, safe and light (not as the Netframework thing).
New intergrated Patch-Selector. It will be downloaded automatically during the first launch of Scrim-Launcher. In this way, you will not have to download it each ETUL updates. It is a patch selector 2.6b/2.55 only, and will be installed in the game folder, in a directory "ETUL patchselector." This patch selector won't come into conflict with others patchselectors that you have already installed, so no worries.
Consequently, the configuration of ETUL is simplified (no adjustment for the patch selector).
nicer downloading interface for next updates and for the patch-selector auto-download.
The scrim-Launcher closes automatically once a game launched.
If a game is already running, Scrim-Launcher will not launch a second game (which caused a kick of the game). A message will tell you that a game is already in progress.