Lampoldshausen, Germany 1943. The Allies have caught word that the Germans have sent several blueprints of german bunkers, to an old German testing facility that is now used for storage. This is a good sized map for 10-15 players per side. Holds up to 32 players.
This program will help you writing script files for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory maps. It features a few handy things that will make your scripting life easier!
Again a snipermap why? Because I like making them. :-) There are 2 giant spaceships in this map. The gravity is set to 250 that you feel like really being in space. It's not really a serious map but it's real nice sniping. There is no passing, when you fall of the ship you die! Die! Die!
For questions or something else you can always visit our forum at
"OK - in order to help noobs get into the game, I have rolled up a Windows Install package for 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory'. It is a 265MB download that installs a ready-to-run setup of version 2.60b + updated PunkBuster which is needed to play on all the servers out there." ~CannonFodder
With the EuroCup and World Cup now over, have announced another cup for Enemy Territory. Running over the next month, 16 Teams have the chance to battle it out through double elimination in search of cup glory running in the 6vs6 format. Cup signups are now open and will close on the 28th July, with the first match week commencing on 30th July. To Signup, please refer to the Cup Signup Guide
Maps are set by admins for the majority of the cup, however clans can choosetheir own maps for the Semi-Finals and Finals. Maps for each week will beannounced on 30th July after signups have closed
To the horror of the Allied forces the Axis have managed to construct a monster sized cannon in the same vain as the Dora railgun back on Earth, only difference is that this new weapon named Wolkekanone runs on tank style treds rather than rail track. A test fire of this weapon is due later tonight if succesfull it wont be long till the tred system is operational and the weapon deployed on the battlefield. Allies must knock out this weapon before the test fire to avoid certain doom.
Aufgrund der hohen Anfrage werden wir ein neues Baserace Turnier veranstalten! Beginn des Turniers wird der 26 Juli sein! Zugelassen werden wie immer 32 Clans! Anmeldungen bitte im Forum. Bitte meldet genug Spieler an, diesmal wird es keine Nominierung während des Cups geben, der Administrative Aufwand ist einfach zu groß! Anmeldeschluss ist Turnierbeginn! Regeln werden im Forum und hier in den Newskommentaren zu lesen sein! Wir hoffen das Ihr und wir, wieder genausoviel Spaß haben werdet wie die letzten Jahre und vor allem jeder doch hoffentlich an das Motto glaubt dabeisein ist alles! Alles ist es natürlich nicht! Auch diesmal wird es wieder einen 16 Slot Server für ein halbes Jahr zu gewinnen geben!
Because of the huge popularity of our last two Baserace cups, we, the [GMC] Clan, proudly present the Baserace Cup 2007! The cup will begin on July 26th and there will be 32 teams able to participate. You can sign up in our forum. Please make sure that you sign up enough players because unlike the two cups before there will not be the possibility to sign up players during the tournament because of administrative expenditure. The signups end on July 26th. The rules will be displayed in our forum. or in the news coments on our website. We hope that all of us are going to have as much fun as in the years before and that everybody is just going to have a great time. The winner will again receive a 16 slot server for half a year, sponsored by our clan.
Jaymod 1.4 is now available. You can download it at
jaybird: The release of version 1.4 has finally come!
After a (too) long wait, version 1.4 is done and ready for download. Head to the download page and grab it!
And yeah, be sure to read the documentation. Some things have changed, and I'm sure you don't want to be the guy that asks a question that's already answered it writing, now, do you? ; ]
Some changes to version 1.3 (see the documentation for full list and details):
This program will help you writing script files for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory maps. It features a few handy things that will make your scripting life easier!
Wie früher, knüpfen wir an unser altes Konzept an - 6v6 - 16 Teams - 1 Gewinner - der Cup wird an einem actionreichen Tag ausgespielt. Somit werden von den 16 Teams schon abends die zwei Finalisten feststehen. Genau wie die ESL und Clanbase werden wir an dem sommerlichen Mappool festhalten. Oasis ist wieder zurück im competition Modus und zählt damit neben sw_goldrush_te, Braundorf_b4 und Bremen_b2 zu den 4 gespielten Maps. Alle weiteren Infos hier kurz im Überblick:
Rounds, Dates + Times: Round 1: Sonntag, 22. Juli - 15:00 CET Round 2: Sonntag, 22. Juli - 16:00 CET Semi-Final: Sonntag, 22. Juli - 17:00 CET Bronze Final + Final: Sonntag, 22. Juli - 19:30 CET
Gespielt wird durchweg mit der 6v6 CB Config - einzig auf Oasis wird auf die Euro 6v6 Config zurückgegriffen, da die CB Config auf dieser Map Schwierigkeiten bereitet.
Die Signups sind ab heute bis Samstag 14.00 CET geöffnet - die Brackets werden dann am Samstag gegen 17.00 CET auf der Cupseite veröffentlicht.
In diesem Sinne: Auf einen spannenden und fairen Cup - allen Teilnehmern viel Glück!
Allied forces have finally discovered the whereabouts of the Axis air base where they have been launching their attacks onto the over stretched Allies. It is important that the Allied forces must knock out this facility if they are to have any real chance of winning the Battle of Wolken. The only real problem is that the majority of the air base is located inside a mountain which doesn,t seem easily impregnable.