Allies have cornered the Axis into a heavily bombed out warehouse complex. The Axis are making their last stand, and trying to call reinforcements to stop the raid on their last stronghold. Allies must destroy their Communications before they are able to radio for help.
This simple tool let you make your own binds for "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory". Add Functions (like SayTeam or Reload), Sounds (like Affimative), Colours and Counters(like your last kill) to your bind and add it then to your cfg!
Many of you have followed our reporting on the E3 and the upcoming sequel of probably the best team shooter ever. We also reported about the Activision press conference with Todd Hollenshead and particularly this conference caused quite a stir and initiated a discussion about the upcoming Wolfenstein multiplayer in our board. Classic or innovative? With or without alien weapons? Iron sight or shooting from the hip? Fast action on small maps or a very tactical, slow approach. Very often the opinions are definite; in some cases they couldn’t be more different. All this was reason enough for us to rack our brains.
As on of the largest German-speaking community Web page, our voice has a corresponding chance to be heard. Without hesitation we created a survey, which includes the most important wishes as regards the multiplayer part of Wolfenstein. The survey will run until the end of August, afterwards it will be analysed and transferred to id Software, Activision, Raven and Endrant. As we’ve already seen with Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, the community can offer the developers suggestions, which can be realized effectively and influence the game positively.
Your opinion matters and is of crucial importance, so take part and let us, and especially the developers know, which points you would emphasize.
This is a Capture the Flag map. This gametype does not exist in ET so it is fully scripted in the map script. The team with the most caps when the time runs out wins! If there is no timelimit then the first team to 100 caps wins.
Note: You can only gain a point by bringing the enemies flag to your own, if your teams flag has been taken by the enemy you have to return it before you can make a point. So there is a good reason to defend your flag too.
"Free online games are a mixed bag these days. In a lot of cases they are either trying to sell you something or promoting a cause. One notable exception is Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, a free multiplayer FPS which uses Quake technology and will cost you nothing except the time it takes to download the client. Released in 2003, Wolfenstein: ET is still one of the most popular online shooters available for the PC."
Henschel was a popular german vehicle brand back in World War II. Producing planes, tanks and last but not least public transport. 1940 was the year when Henschel finished and published the new trolleybus named Henschel-SSW-Obus.
Welcome to the warzone. Allies are attacking a city that is suppressed by allied attacks. Allies are searching for the last hideout place of the axis. Allies have to escort the tank and find the last hideout where they have to destroy the axis communication centre. Axis have to prevent this. Only thing that is intact is the UJE friends bar, have fun in there.
Special stuff:
A Hammond in the church and sound when entering the church
Planes bombing the place every 6 minutes.
Firesupport is shooting the planes from the ground
A big cafe Spawn with lots of efffects:
A disco with lots of beats and a sampler
Disco lights
Laser show
Free drinks
Doctor Who beaming telephonecell
And lots of paintings from friendly clans of the [UJE]clan
Semi bullet-proof cafe.
Parachute drop
So lot's of funstuf in the bar, a place where you can really relax and rest or even take a dance, drink some beers or gamble a bit.
TC:E Community Installer allows us to install 'True Combat: Elite' in a very easy and fast way. The installation program includes: Enemy Territory 2.60b, True Combat Elite 0.49b, PunkBuster. After you install the game using this installer, you can smoothly connect to the most popular servers and start playing without any problems!
This is a small source mod which adds a couple weapons, beefs up the soldier class a bit, and provides a few options to server admins. Most things are optional, thus empowering server admins to add or remove what ever they want. Recycled as much ET code/skins as possible, hopfully preventing any mod-lag. Designed for fun-based maps and servers. Some options (e.g., tripmines, BAR) can be turned off for scrims, or classic maps.