We pushed us again to the limits and tuned the server-view. There will be more serverinformation offered then before. All facts at a glance! Among other things a display how many fans a server has, the adjusted gametype-modus and an additionally numerical display of server load besides the graphical one will be shown. Moreover there are all server settings viewable even in the detailed view which was reserved to the personal and large serverlist in the past. What is also new: You can see the country of a player due to the countryflag** and per ranking who stayed longest on this server inclusive the complete playing time on the respective server. Be aware of who is playing most on your server!
We would appreciate if you inform us about any errors or post your criticism in our forum. So we are able to satisfy your wishes and implement new features in the future. You know with your support only we become better.
Best wishes your SL-Team!
** Hint: The flag-function works with players who are playing in a sl-registered clan only and their country-membership is defined in the clan-administration. If necessary talk to your clan-leader who has registered in the sl. if you have not the right to do so by yourself.
Capture 12 boxes of the enemy! But watch out! The doors are going away and return randomly every 10 seconds. The boxes in the middle of the field are also placed randomly. The places of the boxes change randomly every new mapround.
Clonewar Village is the prequel to Clonewar2044. It tells the story of a village occupied by Germans close to the border of Russia. The Nazis were planning to build their own timeportal. And they succeeded. Appearently they plan to travel to the future in order to use a technology called "cloning". Their main objective is reproducing human beings, and you can imagine the German intention is not to create civilians. If they succeed they could send back an incredible huge army of clones taken from their best forces. The allies need to steal this project, destroy all communications, kill all resistance and take the controll of the village and the Timeportal to use this technology for the fate of the free world.
Liberty Gaming NQ Stats Analyzer was developed for parse Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory NoQuarter game server logs and display results in human-friendly format.
The Allies are attacking an Axis fuel depot and must escort their Churchill AVRE Demolition Tank as it blasts through the defences. The Axis can disable and delay the Tank with Panzerfausts, grenades, mines or explosives.
The mighty Axis shore battery 'Siegfried' is harassing Allied shipping in the Mediterranean. The Axis must protect Siegfried from Allied attempts at sabotage.
The Allies must infiltrate the Axis Oasis garrison to destroy two anti-tank guns: either through the Old City or a flooded cave system. The Axis must protect their anti-tank guns and repel the Allied raiders.
The Axis are guarding a hoard of gold in the Tobruk Central Bank. The Allies must steal an Axis Jagdpanther to blow the bank open, steal the gold bars and drive them to safety in a Truck.
Are you looking for a little something extra in your Enemy Territory gaming experience? If so, this mod just may be what you're looking for! Contained within this download are some nice looking skins for the weapons and other items; If that's not enough to tickle your fancy, there are also some new sounds to be found, including some that will take you back to the glory days of playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein! This is just what you're looking for, if you want to enhance your gaming pleasure!
This is a little mod I made for my ETpub server to give it more of an ETpro feel with some better Killing Spree Sounds, Multi Kill Sounds, and cool skins. There is also an type sound which is the sound of receiving private messages. Same sound as MSN. I also added the sound paths so you can have them correct in your etpub folder and the settings paths. Also The hit sounds come from ETpro.
The Allies must prevent the Axis from loading and firing Dora, a colossal railway gun. The Axis must transport and load Dora's ammunition, protect her firing controls and fire her to win.
Marines need to steal the Vietcongs tank to assault their camp. Escort the tank over the barriers, blast the Radar gate and the base coordinates security room. Steal the coordinates and transmit it with the radar radio. Good Luck soldiers!
This has the map scripts for a few radmon hot maps. The mapscript are "No Objective" Meaning when the objective is done, it will continue the map until time has expired. Thus calling it " Frag Fest" They are located in the no_objective folder. The folder etpromaps scripts are the normal map scripts. As if you run etpro, you want no objective for public, well you need to turn it off, so your configs exec the etpromapscripts fixing the "Frag Fest" by turning it off. Also I added a few lua mods. Just for fun. ~-t2x- go!
Axis have build a big trojan infection in all computer in America. Allied need to destroy the main computer to kill this trojan. Allied use "the Shrink-Gun2008 to shrink like a mouse to did the mission. Axis know Allied comming soon then use Shrink-Gun2008 to shrink too.