April, 1940, the allied troops have found a radar base near the city of Narvik. The German Submarines in the North Atlantic seem to be commanded by this base and to be supplied with orders. The Mobile Emitters must be stolen and the Main radiomast destroy. The Axis troops shouldn´t be able to send new orders to their submarines.
QMM is a hook to the Quake3 Engine and is available for many Q3 Engine based games.
At the moment gmScripgMod is only for Enemy Territory, but can be attached to ALL ET Mods. We successfully tested it with TCE, Etpro and Etpub and it works quite nice with all of them.
To gain some more clarity in the forum we created a new section. In the RtCW/ET - Servers section you can discuss about other RtCW/ET-Server or promote your own server and finally get some feedback. All topics from others sections according the new category were moved to this section. So nothing is missing nor has been deleted! As usual server-configs and workarounds for server-hardware problems etc. can be discussed in the already existing RtCW/ET - Serveradmin-Lounge (sub-section), quasi from admin to admin.
We have again fine-tuned the serverlist and optimized the popularity regarding the bots. Until now the SL acted as following: Used bots were recognized correctly and it turned off the session-rating accordingly as long as they stayed on the server. But these servers raised in the serverlist to the treasured upper places because of their 24 hour load in disadvantage to those servers, who achieved the upper positions due to 'real' players having played on them and from their own effort. That was quite long a thorn in our side so the SL will ignore bots completely in the future. That means there can be as many bots as possible activated never changing the server-ranking. Only 'real' players will incorporate with the popularity as already used with servers having no bots. And these one only will influence the server-ranking and let them raise or fall. Please notice that the new popularity will catch up correctly in the next seven days because it is based on the last seven days. So a deactivating of bot-only server, which would spin around the serverlist (faked push-up), will not be necessary.
In the serverlist you will see according to the red colored number with white brackets the current bots, for example: 41 / 60+4 (20) [41 used slots / max. 60 public slots / 4 private slots / (20) current running bots
UPDATE: RayBan released a patch to repair/fix the missing command map icons, no changes to structural or detail layout. Also included is new counteragent models and limbo icons. Game script was altered to reflect the new changes, but gameplay was not changed. Permission to make changes granted by CptnTriscuit.
The Allies have uncovered the source of an Axis chemical refining campaign. Determined to neutralize the threat, Allied forces are attempting to destroy the chemical stock pile by releasing three volumes of Axis-developed 'counter-agent' into the circulation system of the refining facility.
Small, medium and large versions. Since they are ASE models, you can edit the files in a text editor to change the materials (texture/shader path) to whatever you like. Textures included (but not setup in the ASE files) ~RayBan
The SL has received a bugfix. The corresponding bug caused some login-attemps on the et-part of the sl not to work ("remote_auth_failed"). This should be fixed by now.
I would like to submit the community a small package I have prepared for my clan and teammate... Have you ever thinked about how difficult is sometimes explaining your teammates where you are or where they should go? ok you have the limbo, but it's dangerous to call it while you're running in the middle of a battle, you have command map, but that's really too small sometimes.... so... I thought.. why not having a printable copy of the limbo maps , completed with an encoded grid like in chess games, with all the most important info's like spawnpoint, tanks, bridges etc...? because no one has done it.. up to now.. So try this package of pdf maps and tell me what do you think about it! ~mauix
Drop the exe into the folder with your md3 files, and double click on it. It will load all md3 files, and output a tag file for each of them. ~[SD]digibob
Q3Font is a tool to create the font files used by Q3 1.25+ based games. A font exist from a number of tga's, called fontImage_#_[size].tga and a fontImage_[size].dat file. (Unless createex is used, in whichcase 'fontImage' is replaced by the fonts name.) ~[SD]RR2DO2
Version 1.727 of the PB Server for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.
Dieser Server Viewer bietet Ihnen die folgenden Möglichkeiten:
- Einfache Verwaltung von bis zu 64k Server Addressen - Einfaches Überprüfen, ob die Server belebt sind - Einfaches Verbinden zu einem Teamspeak Server
ET Console Master bietet Ihnen folgende Funktionen:
Legen Sie bis zu 64000 eigene Textnachrichten an, wovon sie eine mit einem einzigen Mausklick an ET und ET:QW senden können (sowohl ans Team als auch an alle Spieler).
Legen Sie bis zu 64000 eigene Textnachrichten an, die in einer von ihnen gewählten Frequenz in zufälliger Reihenfolge an ET bzw. ET:QW gesendet werden (mindestens 15 Sekunden zwischen den einzelnen Nachrichten... gegen Spammer).
Benutzen Sie die vorhandenen Befehle zur Steuerung von ET bzw. ET:QW
Benutzen Sie die meist gebrauchten AdminMod Befehle mit einem Mausklick (nur ET)
Legen Sie bis zu 64000 Regeln für Ihren Server an, fügen Sie Übersetzungen für bis zu 64 Sprachen hinzu und Sie können
Die Regel in Ihrer Sprache sowie
in der von Ihnen übersetzten Version
mit einem Mausklick runterbeten
Definieren Sie bis zu 64000 Kommandos, die Sie mittels Mausklick an ET bzw. ET:QW senden.