... splatterladder is watching you!
Mr. Hopper!
played on Servers: 3
Damn, I'm good!
best map rating: 30.20
.Fe!nt in teuthonia_final
Call me god!
best overall rating: 29.75
U don't have a woman?
most time played: 4.2 hrs
The best place
$mart - 11 days 18 hours 45 minutes agoIt's a masterpiece, thanks Teuthis !
Teuthis - 14 days 15 hours 15 minutes agoToday I released two new versions of goldrush, named Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Reggyman - 28 days 22 hours 1 minute agoa only ae sniper challenge server would be great again
Teuthis - 55 days 10 hours 34 minutes agoI am working on a new version, and we have someone for the waypoints.
$mart - 55 days 21 hours 36 minutes ago@Teuthis OK I understand thx ! No I don't know any waypointer, maybe Matteo a french guy in the past ?
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macbeth - You will not be forgotten
DoubleDragon 11 days 7 hours 34 minutes ago
New Maps: Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Teuthis 14 days 15 hours 5 minutes ago
New Maps: Goldrush Revival v1 and v2
Teuthis 14 days 15 hours 6 minutes ago
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[map] Grotli winter edition
Meister Gandalf 66 days 4 hours 35 minutes ago
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 06 2008 at 16:39

Both teams have to destroy the enemys safe with the secret war document papyrus. The document can only be transmitted if the command post is built. So both teams have to attack/defend the safe with the documents and attack/defend the command post.

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 06 2008 at 01:07

The RoN Clan | Realm of Napalm presents it's fourth map named RoN Castle Duel Final.The map has been developed for duels (1vs1), but also can be used for matches with up to 12 players (6vs6).
Developer of the map is #RoN.et'ScorpioN?.
Great for the small massacre in between...

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 04 2008 at 19:53

UPDATE: Now only the allied engineer can plant dynamite on the antenna.

April, 1940, the allied troops have found a radar base near the city of Narvik. The German Submarines in the North Atlantic seem to be commanded by this base and to be supplied with orders. The Mobile Emitters must be stolen and the Main radiomast destroy. The Axis troops shouldn´t be able to send new orders to their submarines.

Changes to the previous versions:

  • Remodeling all buildings
  • Texturfitting and Bugfixing
  • Loading Screen
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Feb 04 2008 at 18:42

Dutchmeat and Apologet wrote a QMM Plugin which easily allows Serveradmins to change the behavior of the Server by Scriptfile.

Download & Info:

--> Download gmScriptMod 1.0
--> gmScriptMod Project Site
QMM is a hook to the Quake3 Engine and is available for many Q3 Engine based games.

At the moment gmScripgMod is only for Enemy Territory, but can be attached to ALL ET Mods.
We successfully tested it with TCE, Etpro and Etpub and it works quite nice with all of them.

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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, May 16 2006 at 13:32

The SL has received a bugfix. The corresponding bug caused some login-attemps on the et-part of the sl not to work ("remote_auth_failed"). This should be fixed by now.
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Jan 29 2008 at 22:42

UPDATE: RayBan released a patch to repair/fix the missing command map icons, no changes to structural or detail layout. Also included is new counteragent models and limbo icons. Game script was altered to reflect the new changes, but gameplay was not changed. Permission to make changes granted by CptnTriscuit.

The Allies have uncovered the source of an Axis chemical refining campaign. Determined to neutralize the threat, Allied forces are attempting to destroy the chemical stock pile by releasing three volumes of Axis-developed 'counter-agent' into the circulation system of the refining facility.

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Written by Wolfmap.de, Jan 28 2008 at 23:36

Small, medium and large versions. Since they are ASE models, you can edit the files in a text editor to change the materials (texture/shader path) to whatever you like. Textures included (but not setup in the ASE files) ~RayBan


--> Army Tents
--> RayBan's Wolf:ET Page
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Jan 27 2008 at 13:42

A test map showing an airdropped objective with an animated parachutefor Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. ~RayBan


--> Chute Test 2
--> RayBan's Wolf:ET Page

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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, May 12 2006 at 12:32

From now on we have implemented two new features. A Teamspeak-Viewer and an eventbox.

The Teamspeak-Viewer is freely customizable which means you can configure* your favorite Teamspeak-Server on the startside. You are also able to configure your access-data to join each channel of the server directly. Empty channels may be faded in or out to your needs, also the whole Teamspeak-Viewer could be shown or not.

The eventbox informs you quickly about dates of all kind. They may be also freely configured*. Fields of interests at the moment are ETTV-Broadcastings, the upcoming Soccer World Cup and community-events which can be filtered to your wishes. If you move your mouse-cursor over the termins, a small window is shown with the shorten form of the termin. Klicking on it you will receive detailed information gained from the forum. The days shown in advance and the number of termins may be freely configured. Turning the eventbox generally on and off is also possible.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for the new features or even recovered an error or bug we would appreciate your feedback.

Have a nice frag-day, your sl.-Team!

*Both functions are available to registered and unregistered users. The freely configurable feature respectively the
personalizing of both features is subject to registerd users only. Unregistered users will see the public SL-TS-Server (only guest account) as well as an eventbox with all fields of interests enabled.
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Written by Flame-Guards, Jan 26 2008 at 23:25

Tools / Punkbuster
PB released a new update which it will not update for ET automatically. I will explain how you can update it.

Windows: https://websec.evenbalance.com/downloads/windows/pbsetup.exe

Linux: https://websec.evenbalance.com/downloads/linux/pbsetup.run

Mac OSX: https://websec.evenbalance.com/downloads/mac/pbsetup.tgz

You will need to add Wolfenstein Enemy Territory to the list of games. If it is red when you add it, you will need to click "Check for Updates".

This should solve the problem.
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Jan 26 2008 at 16:36

I would like to submit the community a small package I have prepared for my clan and teammate... Have you ever thinked about how difficult is sometimes explaining your teammates where you are or where they should go? ok you have the limbo, but it's dangerous to call it while you're running in the middle of a battle, you have command map, but that's really too small sometimes.... so... I thought.. why not having a printable copy of the limbo maps , completed with an encoded grid like in chess games, with all the most important info's like spawnpoint, tanks, bridges etc...? because no one has done it.. up to now.. So try this package of pdf maps and tell me what do you think about it! ~mauix


--> Encoded Maps
Maps included in the package:
Supply depot, Siwa Oasis, Saberpeak, Radar, Mlb Temple, Warbell, Venice b4, Transmitter, Tramfight, Dubrovnik final, Cathedral final, Castle Attack, Braundorf, baserace, axis lab final, Eagles 2 way, caen 2, 1944 beach, Goldrush GA
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Jan 26 2008 at 13:07

Very usefull tool to work a little bit on models.


--> Npherno's MD3 Compiler & MD3 Viewer

Drop the exe into the folder with your md3 files, and double click on it. It will load all md3 files, and output a tag file for each of them.


--> MD3 to Tag

Q3Font is a tool to create the font files used by Q3 1.25+ based games. A font exist from a number of tga's, called fontImage_#_[size].tga and a fontImage_[size].dat file. (Unless createex is used, in whichcase 'fontImage' is replaced by the fonts name.)


--> Q3Font 1.52

To convert .mds to .mdm use this tool:


--> Ikonatto's Conversion Tool
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Jan 25 2008 at 18:12

Prefab of a Guard Building. Made by BlitZ (89BlitZ)


--> Guard Building

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Written by Splatterladder-Forum, May 10 2006 at 14:09

Clients running ET 2.60b which want to connect to ETpro-Server with ET 2.60b installed will be rejected. As a solution for the transition period until ETpro is compatible, the gameservers should be patched to version 2.60b. Players with an unpatched ET (ET v2.60) should only connect to server which seem to be confident to them. The ones who have not back-uped their executables can download them from here to avoid a re-installation.

-[Download ET 2.60 Binaries (Windows) ]-

Quote reyalp:
''FWIW, servers should be able to update and work with the latest etpro (I only tested it very briefly, so there may be something I missed). If clients update, they will be kicked by etpro for integrity, regardless of which server version they connect to.
Updating servers is probably a good idea, since the directory traversal thing can have quite nasty consequences. The remapshader thing requires malicious serveradmins, which are a problem even without that exploit.
If you are using ETTV as your server executable, you may want to turn off sv_allowdownload. The patch readme suggests you can use www redirects with this off, but I'm pretty sure it disables both.''

source: Banimod forums

news-source: wolfmap

Important addition: Our sl.-database has been adjusted to the new 'circumstances'. In the gobal and private serverlist the patched servers will be marked with an icon IPB Bild. This icon is only temporary until there are no more incompabilities to mods, clients, server etc. Your sl.-Team!
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Written by Wolfmap.de, Jan 24 2008 at 18:46

Version 1.727 of the PB Server for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.
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