A hot day somewhere in the desert... But there is no time to relax - the enemy waits behind every wall...
The RoN Clan | Realm of Napalm presents it's second public-map. But this time not a sniper- but a 1on1-map named [RoN]Desert Duel. The Map was developed by #RoN.et'cl4ym4n?. Great for the small massacre in between...
PS: Find the hidden trigger to open the small XXX-room :O
Nijmegen Bridge Holland: The map is a copy of a real bridge in Nijmegen. There where a lot of trucks running from one to the other site untill snipers came. Alle trucks where abandonned or the drivers where shot. Try to get to the other side but it will not be so easy cause they will expect you.
There is an allied airbase. From the airfield, axis try to capture the whole airbase. The allies try to protect the airbase. Both sides are true sniperfighters.
USA Today reports that id Software has announced "id Mobile", a new division of id with plans to develop mobile versions of its classic games Quake and Wolfenstein, as well as a sequel to the cellphone game hit, Doom RPG.
"We are operating on the assumption that mobile gaming has a potential for huge growth," says id co-founder John Carmack. "It's at a tipping point. Everybody has a phone, and almost every phone is powerful enough to do good games on it."
They expect the id name to help draw the attention of potential creative talent to a sector of the industry that's often considered "the ghetto of game development," Carmack says. "It's going to be easier to attract more people to work for a project when they are actually working for id."
The Mesquite, Texas, game maker is no mobile-game newcomer. Released two years ago, Doom RPG for cellphones has sold more than 1 million copies. Sales of last year's Orcs & Elves have topped 400,000. Both of those action games were co-developed by id with Fountainhead Entertainment, a company founded by Carmack's wife, Katherine Anna Kang. A former director of business development at id, she will now serve also as id Mobile's president.
Allies have set up a command centre on a small chalkstone island, housing a lighthouse off the South coast of England. Axis are attempting to dissable it.
Nijmegen Bridge Holland: The map is a copy of a real bridge in Nijmegen. There where a lot of trucks running from one to the other site untill snipers came. Alle trucks where abandonned or the drivers where shot. Try to get to the other side but it will not be so easy cause they will expect you.